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Wp file search

Search on the content of files of the Wordpress platform

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WP File Search is a Wordpress plugin that parses and stores the content of attachment files (pdf, docx and odt) so that they can be later searched from WP's default search.

The project is financed by the Greek Free/Open Source Software Society (GFOSS).You can find more information about GFOSS here


WP File Search has been successfully tested on Wordpress (4.2.5), using Apache (2.2), PHP (>= 5.3) and MySQL (>= 5.5). It will, most probably, work on earlier versions of the software stack mentioned, however it has never been tested these versions. For any compatibility issue contact the authors, or even better, open an issue on github.


You can either install the plugin from Wordpress plugin directory or git clone/download the zip file directly from github. For the latter case you should have composer installed on your system and run composer install inside the plugin directory.


The plugin uses two active branches:

Any other branch is considered experimental or under development, so please avoid working or cloning them.


A plugin wiki is currently available only in Greek, but there are plans to translate its content in English. The wiki contains installation instructions, a user guide and extension guidelines for developers.


You can add new issues on out github repository, but please use the correct labeling.

user stories label is used internally to indicate initial requirements or to breakdown the enhancement label.


The Wp file search plugin is available here